On a gorgeous Sunday morning, myself and the kids decided to go for a walk through a small local woodland. And I thought it would be a great opportunity to post an article using just my iTouch and the Blogger app, to see how easy it is to use.
The woodland is just a stone's throw away from our house and so it wasn't long before the kids found the start of the footpath and a chance for the first photo.
This walk is renowned for being on the muddy side and the kids are always on the lookout for animal tracks. Being popular with dog walkers, it was no surprise that this was the first track to be identified.
The kids are slowly being "Programmed" to be on high alert for any fungi, when out on country walks. But due to the lack of species in these woods (and the time of year), we resorted to other things like catkins and gooseberry bushes.
We ventured on along the stream and into the meadow, where I have previously spotted fox scatt.
Back in the woods and close to a bridle way I spotted some different animal tracks, which initially I thought were deer prints. But the chance of deer in these woods are pretty slim. And on further inspection realised they were more likely to be from the sheep that graze in adjacent fields.
It was now time to head back home, collecting some firewood on the way back followed by the write up of this article using the Blogger app on my iTouch.
Before leaving the wood, my son was quick to spot a bear climbing a tree. But living in the UK didn't cause any concern for alarm.
And so, back home in my comfy armchair I sit writing this article using the onscreen keyboard of my iTouch, adding photos as I write. Not knowing if the photos will appear as I added them or in a bunch at the foot of the article.
I have no idea how this article will look when published to my blog and I have no intention of amending it, using the full Blogger software on my main computer.
The Blogger app would allow you to write articles on the go, taking photos from within the app and then saving as draft for editing at a later date.
But to enable you to see how the basic published article would look I have left it unedited.
Ok, so there we are... My first article using the Blogger app on my iTouch. If you have any experience using this app please leave a comment... Good or Bad.